Friday, March 08, 2013

You still look shit all alone!!

Guess what?

After all these years that I've been working on a personal projects without telling anybody, I decided to start here all over again . This time I better do something or delete this blog forever if don't write here often.

Anyway, now is time get some new music.

This is Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaur or just simply: T.E.E.D

He's an English electronic dance music record producer and DJ according to the Wikipedia

His debut album Trouble was released on 11 June 2012. The album includes five pre-released singles including "Household Goods" and "You Need Me On My Own".

The lyrics are not the brightest but the beat has everything that you need to get up and dance, or at least do what Mr. Orlando Higginbottom does in his video with his very expressive face. I think this is the best part of the video and I really like his enthusiasm while he's dancing.

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